Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mind Games

i stepped outside - the air is cold this morning. the wind is blowing and the snow flakes are dancing around me as i stand on our porch. i take time to slowly breathe in the fresh, cold air ~ breathe in 1,2,3,4,5 ~ hold~breathe out 1,2,3,4,5....~ i do this to remind myself to stay in the moment , enjoy right now, take in the beauty that is today. i have to remind myself of the importance of staying in the moment.

i have a 2 hour commute (one way) to work. yes i know that i made the decision to accept the commute - in exchange for living on my farm. and don't get me wrong - i would much rather have my 4 hour round trip commute, and come home to this beautiful setting, than live in the city. but the problem is i do not want to leave the farm. so i have taught myself to play a little mind game of ~
"if you go to work now you can do _________ when you get home"~
this game has proved to be a good tool and seems to help with the dreaded drive to work.......after looking around outside i discover some pretty healthy looking sage, rosemary and thyme ~ hmmmmmm.... i do have apple cider vinegar too..oh, oh and organic garlic.....and dried red peppers.. that's it herbal vinegar! oh and i have some beautiful old bottles to put it in. i quickly decide that organic herbal vinegar will be made this evening. simple, delicious and good for you! now i am humming a little jack johnson tune as i get into the car... i notice the beautiful landscape surrounding me as i drive. life is good!

remember to live well,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My gosh Tamara! A 4 hour commute? You really need that farm to unwind after that.

    Enjoy making your vinegars. I'm sure it will be loads more fun than anything in the corporate world! *Ü*
